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Year 15 (2009)  »  ENTRY

ENTRY FORM FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION OF ANIMATED FILMS part of eLnadruhou – NOT ONLY lesbian culture festival held from May 20, 2009 to May 26, 2009 in Prague

Please fill in block letters and send with all required materials outlined in Article 7 of Regulations of The International Competition of Animated Films, Documentaries and Featrure Films ( to the adress: eLnadruhou o.s., Čerpadlová 9, 190 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic no later than April 15, 2009.

Title: Original title : ………………………………………………………………………………

English title:……..…………………………………………………….

Year of production: …………………(Only films completed after January 1, 2008)

Film length: min …………….sec ………………

Description of the animation technique:
□ Drawing on Folio □ Painting on glass □ 2D Computer
□ Drawing on Paper □ Flats □ 3D Computer
□ Clay □ Photography □ Special Effects
□ Puppets □ Pixilation □ Camera-Free
□ Objects □ Sand

Other: ……………………………………………………………….………………
Dialogue/Comments: □ Yes □ No Language: …………………………….

Subtitles/Dialogue translation:
□ Yes □ No Language: ……………………………
Competition film copy: □ DVD

The film:
Is suitable for children YES □ NO □

Film is being entered by (the contact will be published in the catalogue and on the festival’s website):
Contact person:……………………………………

Relationship to the film : film is entered by the director □ YES □ NO
Other: ………………………………………………………………………..………………
Postal address and contacts:
Street…………………………No.. ……City ……………… Postal Code………….. Country: ………
Tel.: …………………………… Fax: …………………………… e-mail: ……………………………..

Producer (the owner of the rights):
Name:…………………………………………… Contact person: ………………………………………..
Street……………………….. No…….City ………………Postal Code ………….. Country: …………
Tel.: …………………………… Fax: …………………………… e-mail: ………………………………...

Made by company / film school:
Name: ………………………………………… Contact person: …………………………………
Street………………………… No. ……..…City ……………… Postal Code ……....... Country: ……
Tel.: …………………………… Fax: …………………………… e-mail: ……………………………

Distributor / sales agent:
Name: ………………………………………… Contact person: …………………………………
Street………………………… No. ……..…City ……………… Postal Code ……....... Country: ……
Tel.: …………………………… Fax: …………………………… e-mail: ……………………………

Name, Surname:…………………………………………………………………………….……….
Street………………………… No. ……..…City ……………… Postal Code ……....... Country: ……
Tel.: …………………………… Fax: …………………………… e-mail: ……………………………

Design: ....................................         Music: .............................
Animation: ................................        Editing: ....................
Idea by: ...................................        Production: .......................
Screenplay: ...............................       Computer graphic: ..............
Camera: ...................................       Sound: ..........................


1. By signing the Entry Form, the Applicant freely grants eLnadruhou o.s. (hereinafter referred to as L2) authorization to use the provided photographic, graphic and written documentation accompanying the film in the festival’s catalogue, on the website and in the promotion materials related to the festival without any restrictions as the territory, time, quantity an purpose of use.
□ Yes □ No

2. By signing the Entry Form, the Applicant freely grants the Organiser unrestricted authorization to use the entered film, including all objects subject to intellectual property rights that were used in the film, in an unlimited number of public projections at the eLnadruhou – NEJEN lesbický kulturní festival.

□ Yes □ No

3. By signing the Entry Form, the Applicant freely grants to the Organiser authorization to use selected parts of the entered film, up to 10% of the total length of the film (but no more than 3 minutes in total), for any purpose related to the festival’s promotion without any restrictions as to the mode of use.
□ Yes □ No

4. By signing the Entry Form, the Applicant freely grants the Organizer authorization to use the entered film, including all objects subject to intellectual property rights that were used in the film, in an unlimited number of studio projections that are not held for the purpose of profit (i.e. admission fees can be charged only to cover screening costs) without any restrictions as to the duration and number of projections.

□ Yes □ No

5. The authorization hereby granted shall be in accordance with Czech law, in particular the Copyright Act.

6. The Applicant hereby guarantees that he/she is entitled to grant the above authorization either as the copyright owner or as a person authorized by the copyright owner.

Complete address where the competition film is to be returned:
Name / company: ……………………………………
Street………………………… No. ……..…City ……………… Postal Code ……....... Country: ……
Tel.: …………………………… Fax: …………………………… e-mail: ……………………………

I affirm that the information given above is complete, accurate and true. By submitting the Entry Form, I agree to all the terms contained in the entry form, the Festival’s statute and the International Competition Regulations found at

Date and place: ………………………………… Signature: ……………………………………….


The director’s biography and filmography in Czech or English □ post □ e-mail
Photograph of the director □ post □e-mail

.…... (no.) of photographs from the film being entered □ post □e-mail

Brief synopsis in Czech or English □ post □e-mail

The applicants are hereby notified that if the above supplements are not delivered to the Organizer on or before April 15, 2009 the film will be excluded from further consideration.

Please send the entry form, DVD copy and the documents mentioned above to the following address:

eLnadruhou o. s.
Čerpadlová 9, 190 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic

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