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10.1.2008 This exhibition takes place 7 to 25 January 2008 in Dům národnostních kultur (Minorities' House), 3 Vocelova St, Praha 2, Prague (near Radost FX club).

Unbelievable though it may sound, the organized GLBT movement of the Czech Republic has a history that goes back some twenty years, as the first attempts at establishing a self-help group (called Lambda) were made as early as 1988 (ie well before the Velvet Revolution of 1989).

Held under the auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister Martin Bursík and the Minister Džamila Stehlíková, the exhibition tracing the long journey to equal rights came into being with the help of both current and former gay and lesbian activists. It was officially launched on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2007, in the Hrzán Palace, Prague, where it could have been visited by the Czech MPs and government officials. During 2008 it is scheduled to appear in various Czech towns and cities.
(based on information vouchsafed by Mr Jiří Hromada)

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