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We are looking for children in lesbian families

4.10.2008 Due to increasing number of children growing up in homoparental families (lesbian mothers or gay fathers) in the Czech Republic, we would like to research more this phenomenon. The aim of the research is to understand and describe the specifics of homopar

This pilot study together with other studies which are being prepared could among other help as a supporting argument for the future negotiation about the possibility of adoption by homosexual parents.

At this stage we are looking for children growing up with a lesbian couple, living in the Czech Republic. The research is based on personal contact of the researcher with the family. First part consists of semi-structured interview with the parents (the mother of the child and her partner). Second part is a contact with the child – an interview, observation and projection techniques (drawing) depending on the age and ability of the child. The mother will be informed beforehand about the topics of the conversation with the child and refuse some of them. We ensure full anonymity to the participating families.


If you are willing to take part in the research, please contact us on the number or mail listed below.


We welcome and will answer any questions.



Anna Sedláčková – psychology student at FFUK

775 382 030


Doc. PhDr. Lenka Šulová, CSc.

Prof. PhDr. Petr Weiss, Ph.D. - consultant

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