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12.10.2008 Gender Studies would like to invite you to a round table focusing on antidiscrimination legislation with respect to the new proposal of antidiscriminalisation measures.

It will take place on 30th October from 9.30am till 1.30pm, take part in the discussions will take both Czech and foreign experts. Request your invitation and the programme on the email below.


The number of seats is limited, please confirm your attendance.


A Gender Studies project is focusing on the newly proposed measure. Aim is to start an expert discussion (as the first step to a wide public debate) about the new measure and the fight against discrimination based on any reason and support the new european antidiscrimination measure at the country level. We would welcome and information about all activities in the field of antidiscrimination and the new antidiscrimination measeure in particular.


To find out more about the project visit our web site


Thank you



On behalf of  Gender Studies, o.p.s.,


Alexandra Jachanová Doleželová


project manager






Gender Studies, o.p.s.


Gorazdova 20


120 00 Praha 2


tel./fax: 224 915 666

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