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14.10.2008 Right to equal treatment, which is a building stone of modern society, is one of fundamental human rights of all people.

No-one should be treated differently because of their age, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation etc.


The right to equal treatment is set in the Statute of basic rights and freedoms, however to  enforce this right in everyday life, a law is needed.


Currently a second draft of the law sits with parliament. The bill had been approved by the Lower House of Parliament and the Senate before being vetoed by the President on 16th May 2008.


The law is understandably a compromise due to its long journey through the parliament. Nonetheless, the below signed NGOs are convinced that it is necessary to pass this bill, which victims of discrimination have long been waiting for.


The fate of the bill will be decided by the lower house of parliament. We are calling upon the members of the parliament to support passing of this bill.


This Appeal has been signed by the following NGOs:



1) Česká ženská lobby

2) CEE Trust

3) Český helsinský výbor

4) Jihočeská Lambda

5) Gender Studies

6) Unie zaměstnavatelských svazů

7) Život 90

8) Otevřená společnost o.p.s.

9) Multikulturní centrum Praha

10) Nadace Open Society Praha

11) Asociace občanských poraden

12) Zvůle práva

IQ Roma servis

13) Romea

14) Slovo 21

15) Aperio

16) Asociace podnikatelek a manažerek ČR

17) Athinganoi

18) Český svaz žen

19) Evropská kontaktní skupina

20) Fórum 50 %

21) Syndikát výtvarných umělců

22) Hnutí za aktivní mateřství

23) Manushe

24) Moravská asociace podnikatelek a manažerek

25) proFem

26) Rosa

27) Rozkoš bez rizika

28) Soroptimist International – Pražský klub

29) Unie katolických žen


31) projekt Magdala České katolické charity

32) Žába na prameni.

33) Burma Center Prague, o.p.s.

34) Česká společnost AIDS pomoc

35) ARGO, Společnost dobré vůle Zlín

36) Art Language

37) APC – WNSP

38) Stejná rodina

39) eLnadruhou o. s.

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