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14.10.2008 Passing of antidiscrimination law will be a strong message to the whole society that the Czech Republic is not only openly signing up to the ideas of equality and non-discrimination, but that it also actively tries to fulfill these ideal in everyday life

Antidiscrimination law will lay out exactly in which situations, to whom and how will the protection be provided. Antidiscrimination law will ban discrimination based on gender, age, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation, faith and world view. Discrimination will be banned at work, at applying for work, access to education, in access to health service, to granting and supplying social benefits and when receiving goods and services, including housing.


The law will give the victims of discrimination a powerful tool to defend themselves. The victims of discrimination can at the court of law demand lifting of discrimination, repairing damage caused by discrimination, adequate compensation (e.g. an apology), possibly also claim damages.


The law strictly defines legal terms connected with discrimination, mainly it defines what is discrimination itself. At this moment the term is often used to describe any unfair behavior, which might be unlawful, but has nothing to do with discrimination. This overuse of the term then leads to the situation where the perceived seriousness and importance of this issue is decreased, which in result worsens the situation of real victims of discrimination.


An antidiscrimination body will be created – an Ombudsman, involved with equality and antidiscrimination systematically and victims can turn to him/her for help.


Antidiscrimination law will also support all who would like to be part of the society but stereotypes and prejudice often prevents them from it and leaves them on outside.

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