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10.11.2008 Come and celebrate Christmas with sport, X-mas tree, cabaret and a dance – o Saturday 13.12.2008. Start at 8.30 am – registration of contestants.

Christmas cup and party is a private event of Pratety Praha Club. Everybody is invited, both member and non-members, but the club space is not unlimited and we would also like to prevent so called „tourists“ from coming (people, who come but don’t want to participate in the activities). In other words, you are welcome if you want to come and have fun. If you want to just have a look – sorry, but don’t bother. Thank you for understanding. Exceptions can be granted by the club comittee to VIP guests and partner clubs.


Registration for sport activities in on Saturday morning (but unless you are the club member, let us know you are coming in advance so that we know how many dinners to arrange.)


Entrance fee is 100 CZK (includes dinner, one drink and entry to the party)


Bring one general Christmas present for anonymous “a secret Santa“


You can bring one guest, but will need a separate ticket if wants to have a dinner and attend the party.

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