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Meeting with CESTA in Tabor

2.12.2008 On Saturday 29th November 2008 there was a meeting in Tabor between the organisers of the Queer Pride in Tabor 2009 and with Working group for issues of sexual minorities at the Human rights Governmental office.

Who was at the meeting: Jolana and Bára on behalf of Holky v Brně, Mirek on behalf of, Hanka for South Bohemian Lambda, Lucie, Slavomír and Martina on behalf of the working group, Markéta from LePress, Hilary, Petra, Katka and Eva on behalf of the Queer Pride organizers. The date of the Queer pride for next year is 20. June 2009 in Tabor. Why Tabor you may wonder. It is because it is important to promote the LGBTIQ community in smaller town and not only in Prague or Brno. Queer Pride in Tabor wants to be mainly a celebration of the LGBTIQ community and provide space for presentation of individual organizations both at workshops and in information stalls.


You can look forward to the Pride Parade through the city of Tabor, to a festival on the site of CESTA cultural exchange organization, and a party for up to 1000 people. To find out more about the Queer Parade in Tabor 2009 visit this web site.


The second main point of our visit to Tabor was to hand over proposals and amendments to the bill of rights which Monika Benesova prepared to a representative of the working group. Lucie from the working group was also informed about the discussion table where these details are being discussed.


Proposal for the change of the bill of rights are not of the best use right now as the bill has not been passed to the Parliament and it is better to wait till when the MPs are discussing it later on next year. The gay rights activists will then have a difficult time lobbying with the MPs.

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