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7.12.2008 For UNDERCOVERED, CESTA invites artists in all disciplines to collaborate in creating works implicating this duality through their choices of artistic content, process, or discipline.

Hidden and naked. Protected and endangered. Forgotten and targeted. The duality of undercovered is inescapable - the concealed to the unveiled, the censored to the recognized. The current unprecedented access to information encourages discovery, yet we attack the conspicuous.  We guard our histories, and suffer as the ignored. We pursue knowledge to achieve progress, yet illumination creates shadows, and definition creates margins. When do we seek protection through visibility and when through anonymity? In our quest for recognition and representation, what do we discard or overlook, and why?

CESTA's festival themes and parameters of cross-national interdisciplinary collaborations represent the center's commitment to improving communication through creative expression. We base our selection of artists on a review of applications resulting from our annual open call. Applicants request CESTA to connect them with one or more collaboration partners or apply as a pre-formed collaboration group .

For UNDERCOVERED all final festival collaboration groups must be:
1) Cross-national: more than one nationality
2) Interdisciplinary: more than one artistic medium
3) Collaborative: conceptualizing and creating interdependent artistic work
AND must contain work created exclusively for UNDERCOVERED.

Festival Application Deadline: December 19, 2008 (postmarked)

For more details visit Cesta's web site.

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