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Today  - an international human rights day

9.12.2008 Let’s not allow neo-Nazi to threaten us and let’s not allow them to take away our human rights. Come today at 6pm to Jan Palach square in Prague for a public gathering of Tolerance and civic society at the 60th anniversary of Human rights Charta.

The aim of the demonstration is to make people aware of the growing neo-Nazi, racism and xenophobia, which get their strength from indifference of the Czech society.


Neo-Nazi have found supporters among common people and the passivity of the rest convinces them that their hatered, agression and „fight for the white race“ is legitimate, welcomed and  nobody is against it.


This time their target are the Romas, last year it were the Jews. Next year it can be anyone of us. When we choose not to see their attacks, we are risking our own freedom and democracy and we will be co-responsible for the situation.


Violence cannot be tolerated!


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