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Warm Spring Brno - program

6.5.2009 starting! enjoy, educate yourselves and make Queer community more visible. have fun.

12.5.2009Discussion about Inger Edelfeldt´s book Handy Boy / Jim in the Mirror with the translator Mirek Pošta, 18.00 – Room M117 at Faculty of Social Studies MU, Joštova 10, Brno 

13.5.2009 – Discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation, Olga Pechová, FF UP Olomouc (Faculty of Letters), lecture with discussion, organized by Gender centre FSS MU (Faculty of Social Studies), 18.00 – Room M117 at Faculty of Social Studies MU, Joštova 10, Brno

15.5.2009 – "Queer activism in central Europe"; Czech and Slovak LGBTIQ groups participate in the discussion, including Petra Podlahová, Dita Jahodová and Hilary Binder (QPP Tábor), Robo Furiel and Alexander Schneider (Ganymedes, SK), Romana Schlesinger (Queer Leaders Forum), Ondrej Durovsky (Museion), Tereza Mikšaníková (eLnadruhou) and Jolana Navrátilová (QP Brno), 18.00 - Salon Daguerre, photo-film-art exile, Slovákova 1, Brno

16.5.2009workshop on safety for Queer pride parade in Tábor

16.5.2009 – Walk round Brno´s legends, 17.00 - meeting is in front of the Kapucín church (Kapucínské nám.)

19.5.2009 – “Intersexuality“, Martin Fafejta, FF UP Olomouc, lecture with discussion, organized by Gender centre FSS MU (Faculty of Social Studies), 17.30 – Room U30 at Faculty of Social Studies MU, Joštova 10, Brno

19.5.2009 - AIDS Candlelight Memorial, 19.30 – Starý pivovar, Božetěchova 1, Brno

21.5.2009 – Queer theatre – lecture and discussion led by Andy Jochman, 17.00 – U42 at Faculty of Social Studies MU, Joštova 10, Brno

23.5.2009 - Gay teens discussion, 14.30 - Main railway station, under the clock near trams (

23.5.2009 The L Show party (women only), 21.00 - Music bar Baraccuda, Běhounská 22, Brno

28.5.2009V-Queen performance, 19.00 - Salon Daguerre, photo-film-art exi, Slovákova 1, Brno

29.5.2009How to Make Lesbian Porn, lecture and discussion led by Manuela Kay (L-Mag, Berlin, GE), 19.00 – Barracuda club, Běhounská 22, Brno

30.5.2009 The discussion about contemporary queer literature with Veronika Lenzova, 16.00 - Salon Daguerre, photo-film-art exi, Slovákova 1, Brno 

30.5.2009Main Queer Spring (Warm Spring) festival party , 20.00 - Fléda, Štefánikova 24, Brno

6.6.2009Sport day, 12.00 - 18.00 - M. Lerch Grammar school Žižkova 55, Brno

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