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International short animated film competition - results

27.5.2009 Brand new short film competition launched in December 2008 has finished. The results were announced at the closing night of eLnadruhou - NOT ONLY lesbian cultural festival on the 26th May 2009.

The jury:

Zuzana Bukovinská, VŠUP Film and TV graphics

Olga Pechová, psychologist; Katedra psychologie FF Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci;

Eliška Děcká, film and publishing theorist

Pavel Purkrábek, stagedesigner DAMU

Jiří Hromada, acter, gay activist


awarded the following shorts:

Amsterdamský deník, author: Lukáš Bača (price: 10.000,- Kč)
Annička, author: Iveta Merglová (price: 10.000,- Kč)

1977, author: Que Varela (price: 10.000,- Kč)

I have a little friend, author: Pavel Kahačko
Jako každá jiná, author: Anna Mastníková
Karty ví nepoví, author: Bára Zadražilová

THe price of the audiece:ANNIČKA  by Ivety Merglové

thanks everyone who took part and congratulations to the winners!

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