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Table Tennis Tournament \

23.7.2009 We would like to invite you to a sport activity "Schupf-Nudel-Cup" that will take place in October 2009 in Germany

We have received an anouncement from our friendly german association that they are organizing a table tennis tournament called "Schupf-Nudel-Cup" (9th - 11th October 2009) in Hamburg and we would like to invite you there to join its members and have fun there.

Programme of the whole weekend:

Friday 9th October:         registration where all important  information will be given to you
Saturday 10th October:  a tournament will take place for the whole day and in the evening
                                        the Sport-After Party will follow
Sunday 11th October:     brunch


There are two possibilities how to register: 1) on the official web sites
                                                              2) via e-mail


the price for the whole weekend is 40 EUR and if you wouldn´t go to Sunday brunch, you will pay only
30 EUR.

Where to send money for the registration:

Recipient:            Ines Franke
Bank:                  Postbank Köln
bank code:          370 100 50
account number:  409 361 506
usage:                Schupf-Nudel-Cup 2009

The organizers of the tournament are looking forward to welcome you there and we just say GOOD LUCK!
More information about the whole event you can find HERE.

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