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25.11.2009 Brno - human rights and gay and lesbian organizations together with the executions of Iranian youths. At Monday, the 30th 11th Queer parade in 2009 organized by Brno and Brno group Amnesty International public meeting (16.00 Malinovského the square)

 to support a petition calling for the abandonment of executions of three Iranian youths convicted for homosexual behavior and the urgent appeal for respect of international conventions.

Youths in Iran's alleged conduct committed - independently - during and after minority diskutabilním conviction to the lack of witnesses were being held in custody until the age of majority, while protesting against the execution of organizations around the world at this time. Executions can be expected each day.

Petize download HERE.

Czech version of the petition drafted as the 11th 11th 2009 activists in Prague with the support of George Stacks and exposed as the Internet portal Colourplanet, decided to distribute the Brno organizations that want a short public demonstration is also symbolic to show that the fate of people in other parts of the world can not and will not be indifferent either to us in the free Central Europe .

The text of the petition: "Mehdi P. from Tabriz, Shiraz from Moshen G. Safavi and Nemata of Ardebil, were charged in various trials. Date of implementation of executions has been established, but expected any day. Mehdi P. and G. Moshen denied the allegations and there is only one witness who could confirm the action. Safavi was arrested at age sixteen in 2006. The court ordered all three of the death penalty, even though, according to Sharia criminal law all sexual offenses require a fourfold repetition of the grant or the testimony of four male witnesses. "

"Since 1990 Iran has executed at least 44 executions of alleged criminals from the ranks of young people, eight of which in 2008 and at least three in 2009. Iran is a party while the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits the execution of young offenders. Amnesty International Brno is therefore added to calls for Iran's compliance with international commitments and unconditional abolition of the death sentence, for these youths, "said John Urbanovská.

To protest a notice served by the observance of international rights in Brno added and LGBT organizations. "We want to show that the Czech gay and lesbian community appreciates the freedoms that we have and that the Czech public does not care about murdered children - plus the facts that no one, not even under the Islamic code based on šarí'a, and perhaps even the Iranian capital death did not match. Neapelujeme is - if we like it - the expansion of sexual freedom in Iran, but to respect its own laws and basic human rights to which all states agree, "summarizes the objectives of meetings and petitions Mirek Zajdák, Representative Association coalition Queer parade in Brno .

The organization appealed to the public to join the signature and signature events at the end people came to express their interest and participation in the Assembly on Malinovskeho Square. "Symbolically as we enter the month, human rights, whose validity can promote each of us," adds Zajdák.

Assembly support: Queer parade Brno, Amnesty International, Girls in Brno,, NESEHNUTÍ (and other organizations and individuals may join)

Media Contacts: Jana Urbanovská (777 206 714) - Brno group Amnesty International, Mirek Zajdák (724 266 833) -, Jolana Navratilova (777 817 499) - svolavatelka Assembly Queer parade Brno

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