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Statistics of registered partnerships

5.1.2010 Milda Šlehofer sent us the complete statistics of registered partnerships in the Czech Republic, as they regularly only since the beginning of the monitoring and updating every six months. Thank you and honestly publishes the information as 1 message in a

This year, thousands of registered pairs gays and lesbians.

Three and a half year of the law on registered partnerships have used it 917 pairs, of which 643 male and 274 female.
Of these, the relationship officially ended only 34 pairs, including 17 lesbian.
In many cases, the partners also require a change of surname to surname partner or partners.

In the second half of 2009, registered 113 pairs, including 43 female and 70 male and registration ended ten, of which 10 lesbians.
Record earned Pardubice region, where the first time in Czech history of the Institute entered in the district in 2009 to one of partnership. Traditionally held the highest numbers of the capital Prague. The second is then "drag" in increments of six months in a South Central Region, which was now 1 7th 31 12th In addition, one register, ie. 14th

Despite some skeptical comments about media decline registered in the first half of last year, the second half of the hall once again attract more gays and lesbians, and confirmed the assumptions of previous years, when in the second half of the union enter multiple pairs.

From this perspective, the intention to marry same-couples the financial crisis failed to intervene. However, according to some insight matrikářek are nevertheless certain ceremonies modest than in previous years. Yet the "marriage" in addition to registry offices are also held at festive places such as different cultural and historic sites throughout the country.
Slight decrease in pairs were the creators and the Petitioner during the first years of the Act expected. Initially use this opportunity especially those who waited for her for many years.

Are still Czechs attractive partners for foreigners. In the second half of 2009 was 10 mixed relationships, and to the countries: Australia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Mexico, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

Just to remind you - use the registered partnership singer and manager Pavel Vítek Janis Sidovský, moderators Aleš Cibulka and Michal Jagelka, actor and film director Marcel Vašinka Miroslav Walter, moderator and friend John Musil Jakub, who took his surname.
There is talk that the yoke is about the actor Lumír Olšovský and his friend Paul and a dancer with a partner Yemi AD Jaromir.

In the first six months of this year is expected to cross the border, thousands of registered partnerships with us.

SOURCE: Milda Šlehofer icq: 294860484
PHOTO: Nightwork

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