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Homosexuality and Art in Ceske Budejovice

6.1.2010 Who have not seen a unique exhibition of Homosexuality and art, so has another possibility- in Ceske Budejovice. It will be held from Friday the 8th January 2010 in the Research Library.

From the 8th to the 29th January 2010 there will be possible to visit the exhibition Homosexuality and Art 1800-2000 in the Research Library in Ceske Budejovice.
It will be opened for interested:
Mon-Fri 8.30 AM - 6.00 PM, Saturday 9.00 - 12.00 AM
On the 28th January 2010 on the occasion of the exhibition there will take place a thematic lecture about the exploring the art on the queer perspective, it will be presented by the exhibition curator Ladislav Zikmund-Lender.

Art of the past two centuries is characterized by finding different things and one of them is the growing question of identity - the identity of the author, but also the recipient. The defining of identity is hand in hand with the awareness of terms me, you, they, we, etc., the definition given by one party against another. This results oppression of some current standard, but also delight in something, someone, some. To capture this desire, to share it and to mediate it - to these considerations is possible to come through a concentration of  Homosexuality and Art.

Through the exhibition of Homosexuality and Art 1800-2000 we can try to find out why we are excited by some pictures, photos and movies and some of them don´t excite us at all. The Exhibition summarizes through three media (video, film and photography) the history of hidden but also the fully opened homoerotica in the history of art in the 19th and 20th century.
At the exhibition you can see more than 200 famous and less famous works of art, their relationships and undertones will be explained in the interesting summary comments of three authors - the curators of the exhibition: Ladislav Zikmund-Lender, John and Christine Teichmanová Ciprová.

Everything about the exhibition and accompanying program you can find on the project website

The Organization of this exhibition was supported by the city Ceske Budejovice, The Ministry of Health, The National program handling HIV / AIDS issues in the CR.

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