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eLnadruhou is supported by

Slovak - Czech Women´s Fund Navštivte nás na Facebooku Global Fund for Women

Our partners Color Planet


16.2.2010 Again we bring you information on the FN, which will start this Friday, the 19th 2nd Prague.

Dear Ladies,
becoma a famous popstar for one night only. Star Freedom Night Team from Friends at 11 Bartolomějská street will turn you into the most requested red carpet girl. Warm up with MC Wendulóna and her star karaoke from 9pm followed by DJs Tiffa and Henriette. Its up to you if you choose to be Britney, Paris or Lady GaGa Cover 100 CZK, specially priced drinks and an extra bar will be open for you, cause we know Stars are not here to wait in a queue!

Photos from last party HERE.

1st Miss Freedom Night will be on March 26th

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