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Press Release: L2 attended the 11th annual NGO market

16.4.2010 16.4.2010 On Friday, the civic association eLnadruhou attended the 11th Volume NGO NGO Market, held organizations Forum 2000

eLnadruhou Civic Association (hereafter L2) yesterday in the full deployment took place already the 11th NGO NGO Market, which is headed for two purposes:

present itself as a nonpolitical, nonprofit organization whose mission is to defend the interests and rights are not only lesbian, bisexual and transgender women, but also as a homosexual minority
make contacts with other (similarly oriented) non-profit organizations with which they could - by mutual agreement and mutual presentation of priorities - started to cooperate and thereby contribute to the integration of the nonprofit sector

In connection with the 6th ONLY vintage lesbian cultural festival, organized by L2, and which will be held from 13 to 17 May 2010, the event was the best we can. On a single area here had the opportunity to meet non-profit organizations across diverse focus, while there was also an opportunity for mutual learning and networking potential of partnerships.

Despite the fact that L2 is at such an event presented for the first time, we were interested in the results of the fair visitors and more than satisfied and the organization of the event exceeded our expectations! It is proper to say that the future we want just so much more open and interested people!

For L2, we hereby would like to thank all who have contributed to yesterday's NGO market stopped at our stand and showed interest in finding out more about our organization and to those who made us - whether they make any - support!

Next year we look forward to the 12th NGO market in sight!

For further information, please contact the association spokesperson, Andrea Vašáková ( or visit the festival website (

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