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Deadline extended MSAF!

20.4.2010 Deadline International Animated Film Competition has been extended to 5 May 2010. More about the competition please go to contest rules.

In the international competition of animated films can be entered only film that meets all the following conditions:

1st duration of the film must be in the range from 20 seconds to 30 minutes
2nd the film was completed after 1 January 2009
3rd film must contain a Czech or Slovak version and if any other language version Czech subtitles
4th The film is on DVD
5th film must be focused on LGBTIQ (L = lesbian, gay = G, B = bisexual, transgender T =, I = intersex, Q = queer) community
6th film must be on the topic of fairy tale (fairy tale)
7th The film is delivered by 5 May 2010 to the postal address eLnadruhou axes, pump 9, 190 00 Prague 9 to 24.00 hours.
8th form processing of the film: Animation
9th circuit technology is not limited.

More about the contest rules HERE.

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