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eLnadruhou is supported by

Navštivte nás na Facebooku Global Fund for Women Slovak - Czech Women´s Fund

Our partners Color Planet

19.5.2010 Freedom Night, start 21h club Friends, Bartolomějská 11, Pague 1.

Hi Ladies, we have decided to ignore the split of our loving countries and we are going to enjoy with you the Czechoslovakian night. DJ Henriette and QJ Sparkling are absolutely ready to entertain you all night long. You are going to become shining stars - night full of ladies, girls and madams. One of you will win tickets for a Gossip concert at SaSaZu and if you are not lucky, you can still get them for just 600 CZK at Friends. Entry fee just 100 CZK, especially priced drinks and an extra bar opens just for you

Photos from last party HERE.

Gossip Freedom Night will be June 18th

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