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Last day of the year

30.12.2012 With the last day of 2012, you lovely lady and dear lords bring a decision that finally fell between the holidays.

We think that 2013 is ideal for this decision and results from many years of inaction against the LGBTIQ community civic association eLnadruhou.

Deliberately been filed no grant for 2013, nor was it requested any financial support for the reasons that he was not prepared adequate implementation team. Maybe this coming year will bring changes and logs active people who would like to participate in the running of the civic association eLnadruhou, people who feel a degree of responsibility, willing to learn new things and have a commitment and desire to promote the rights of LGBTIQ minority.

ELnadruhou Civic Association will continue to work with the President in the management association Teresa Miklšaníkové, with the only difference that will be made ​​open lesbian festival eLnadruhou.

What we look for in a team?
Responsible, tolerant people with a willingness to learn new things. People who have a need to fight and promote LGBTIQ rights and the community itself are open and tolerant towards the general public and to identify themselves with the idea, the vision and mission of the association eLnadruhou.

Zájemkyně and candidates can apply by e-mail: with that subject TEAM L2.

Civil society organizations are eLnadruhou I wish you good luck and courage, not only in 2013!

Tereza Mikšaníková


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