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Statutes of the eLnadruhou NGO as authorized by the Czech Republic’s Home Office in Prague, 23rd October 2007.

Name of the Organization

The name of the organization is “eLnadruhou o.s.” (“L2” in shortened form).

Place of Business

The contact address is 9 Čerpadlová St, 19000, Praha 9, Prague.

Area of Expertise

The organization is a voluntary, non-governmental, apolitical, and non-profit, association in accordance with the Czech Republic’s Civic Association Act (83/1990 Sb.). It is a corporate entity (as defined by the Czech law) open to children, young people, and adults nationwide, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, physical disability and/or other minority traits.

Aims and Goals of the Organization

The organization provides cultural, sport, educational, and other, activities for its members, namely (though not solely): regular volleyball and/or soccer matches; prose and theatre play readings; discussions on current political topics; lectures and theme nights; the annual cultural festival of the same name; also group outings and theatre/other live performance visits.

Duration of the Organization

The organization is established ad infinitum.

Structure of the Organization

VI/I. General Assembly
a) The foundation members acquire membership by signing the statutes as presented by this document. All other members acquire membership by paying the full amount of the membership fee as specified and consequently approved by the Board. If the fee is paid but the membership fails to get the Board’s approval, eLnadruhou is not by any means obliged to refund the payment. All members have the right to attend the General Assembly and to pass their comments both to the matters discussed there and to eLnadruhou in general upon this occasion.

b) The General Assembly is held at least once a year according to the instructions issued by the Board. It can also be held any time the Board or the majority of members decides to hold it.

c) The General Assembly has a quorum if at least two members of the Board are present.

d) The Board is eligible to
  • modify the statutes;
  • elect and discharge members of the Board;
  • specify the amount of funds available to the organization and the use thereof;
  • specify the cost of the membership fee;
  • pass other resolutions as indicated by the Civil Association Act (83/1990 Sb.).
e) The membership expires if
  • the annual membership fee is not paid before the end of the year;
  • a mutual agreement as to that effect is signed by eLnadruhou and the member in question;
  • the member dies;
  • eLnadruhou is permanently discontinued.

VI/II. The Board
a) The Board consists of three members, one of which is elected the Chairperson by general agreement. The Chairperson coordinates the Board’s course of action.

b) The Board has a quorum if at least two members thereof are present.

The Members’ Responsibilities

Within the organization, all members – especially the members of the Board – are obliged to provide assistance needed to accomplish the abovementioned Aims and Goals.

The Board consists of three members assigned the following responsibilities:
a) Chairperson
b) ViceChairperson
c) Councillor

VII/a) The Chairperson
  • acts on behalf of the organization;
  • holds the ultimate supervisory position;
  • coordinates the members’ course of action and is eligible to suspend it, amend it, or overrule any comments;
  • endorses all cheques and receipts.
  • In the Chairperson’s absence the Chairperson is deputized by the ViceChairperson. If both Chairperson and ViceChairperson are absent, the Chairperson is deputized by the Councillor.

VII/b) The ViceChairperson
  • exercises the Chairperson’s duties (including endorsement of cheques and receipts) if the Chairperson is absent;
  • acts on behalf of the organization if the Chairperson is absent;
  • deputizes the Chairperson if necessary.

VII/c) The Councillor
  • exercises the Chairperson’s and ViceChairperson’s duties if the Chairperson and ViceChairperson are absent;
  • deputizes the Chairperson if necessary.

Economic Activity of the Organization

The economic activity of the organization follows the general guidelines as specified by the Czech law. The funds are accepted in the form of annual membership fees, donations, grants, and subsidies. The Board is responsible for the organization’s economic activity. The funds are to be used towards the cost of administration and services rendered to, or steps undertaken by, the organization in order to accomplish the abovementioned Aims and Goals (see Article IV.).

Property of the Organization

Each item of property is to be issued a number plate containing its registration number (as listed in the catalogue) and the company logo, if necessary. Improper use of the company logo is strictly prohibited.

The Members’ Rights and Duties

All members are entitled to attend any event organized or co-organized by eLnadruhou o.s. All members are guaranteed discounted tickets to any event organized by eLnadruhou o.s. All members are entitled to provide assistance by passing their comments and/or suggestions. When attending the events organized by eLnadruhou o.s., all members are obliged to follow the instructions issued by the staff. All members are obliged to protect the reputation of the organization and to avoid improper use of the company name and/or logo. All members are obliged to pay the annual membership fee (as specified by the Board) before the end of the year.

Discontinuation of the Organization

#1 The organization may be discontinued by the Board’s decision.
#2 If the organization is discontinued, it is to be liquidated in accordance with the general laws of the Czech Republic. The liquidation committee will be elected by the Board as a part of the decision-making process.
#3 Once the organization is liquidated, its property shall be handed free of charge on to a chosen non-governmental corporate entity whose aims and goals are similar to those of the organization. If none such entity is found within three months following after the liquidation, the remaining property is to be distributed evenly among the members of the organization.

Final Dispositions

#1 Any issue unspecified by this document is to be settled in accordance with the general laws of the Czech Republic.
#2 This document was adopted and endorsed by the Board in Prague, 14 October 2007.

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