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eLnadruhou is supported by

Global Fund for Women Slovak - Czech Women´s Fund Navštivte nás na Facebooku

Our partners Color Planet

Support us

Those who wish to donate money to eLnadruhou can do so in several different ways:

eLnadruhou is a non-profit organization relying solely on financial support granted by individual donors, sponsors, and funding agencies. We sincerely appreciate any such form of support and honour all donors regardless of the amount granted.

  • Wire the total amount directly to our Česká Spořitelna bank account No. 222707319/0800

Please do not forget to inform us whether you want your name to appear on the donors’ list or not (you can do so directly via the bank order form). If no further instructions are received, eLnadruhou will add you to the list (along with the amount) as Unknown donor.

  • Donate any equipment necessary for the smooth functioning of our organization

Such as digital cameras (for documenting and presenting our activities), notebooks, scanners, trimmers, laminating machines, multifunction printers, stationery (printing paper, CDs and DVDs, USB sticks, notice boards, filing trays, sheetings, toner cartridges) or antivirus software.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to discuss further possibilites of sponsorship, donation, advertising, and the like.

  • Attend any event/activity organized by eLnadruhou and donate cash on the spot

In return for a proper receipt, of course.

          eLnadruhou donors’ list:

  • Slovak-Czech Women's Fund
  • Global Fund For Women
  • Danča (CZK 8,000)
  • Unknown donor (CZK 50)
  • Markéta Krausová (Apriles) CZK 39,600

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